14 Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships

Men are simple beings, with simple expectations from life.  Although we love being in love, but for most part— we also find it rather taxing. Blame it on us, or blame it on women, their constant need to be demanding or their innumerable expectations from us, but after a certain point it does get too much to take. That’s exactly the reason why we decided to talk about women and what we expect out of them in a relationship this time. You know, showing love is not just a man thing after all.  

1) Get Down On One Knee 

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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Alright. You don’t have to get down on your knee, but a woman taking charge and proposingto her guy is a sure shot turn-on. Be that woman!

2) Initiate Sex, Sometimes

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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Sex is all that’s on our mind, well almost. There you go, we said it. And we’ll be glad if you admit that it’s on your mind too. How about you initiate it the next time?

3) Engage In Our Activities

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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Have beer with us, or our favourite pizza. Play console games with us or even poker. Because, hey, change is good!

4) Dish Out Compliments

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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Contrary to the popular belief, we love hearing compliments, especially from our girl. In fact, a compliment from you simply makes our day. Do that often, please!

5) Be At The Driver’s Seat

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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Because seeing you driving us around is seriously sexy. Besides, women also make for better drivers. 

6) Surprise Us With Gifts

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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Oh we love receiving gifts, compliments, chocolates—you get the gist, right? Take us by surprise and we promise you’ll be glad. 

7) Stop Saying FINE

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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Because we know you’re anything but that. We’re sorry but we pretty much suck at guessing games. Just spell it out loud whenever you’re angry next time.  

8) Striptease For Us

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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If you want us to be your slave forever, give us a show. We absolutely love it when you do that. So would you! 

9) Eat To Your Heart’s Content

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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Two things—You’re not FAT, and we love seeing you eat to your heart’s desire. Because, let’s face it, it kills you every time when you order that nasty salad while eating out.

10) Be Okay With Us Spending Time With Our Bros

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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We don’t understand why you even have a problem to begin with. You have a girl’s night out and we’ll have ours. In the end everybody is happy. Deal?

11) Plan A Date For Us

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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It’s not just a man’s job you know. Both of us love going out on dates, so it has to be a shared responsibility.

12) Hear Us Complain One Entire Day

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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And we’ll hear you complain, crib and nag the rest 364 days of the year. 

13) Accept That We’re Not Superheroes

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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We can cook, fix things, do laundry or grocery shopping and a lot of other things, if need be. But that doesn’t necessarily mean we enjoy fixing odd jobs in the house. Don’t “expect” us to fix that tap, or change that bulb.

14) Stick To Shopping Online

Things We Would Love To See Women Do In Relationships
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There is no other way to say this but we HATE shopping. You look good to us in everything, so why bother travelling 20kms just to pick up that one dress, when all you can do is just go to their website and order it? Just stick to online shopping. We’ll join you too…happily!
Photo: © Fox Star Studios 
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